Magic Cookie Bars
Today was cookie baking day–successful once again! Lots of cookies baked and lots of laughs–Thanks Denise! xo
It occurred to me again today, as Denise and I were cooking together, just how social food really is. No matter what the occasion- wedding, birthday, funeral, lunch date , cookie day or everyday we gain so much more than a full belly by including eating and/or cooking into our social schedules. We gain insight, laughter, stories, hope, love and so much more by sharing a meal and cooking together–it’s not a wonder why I place so much value on good food and good eating–how about you?
Tip of the Day: Denise asked me today, why I was putting the empty butter wrapper back in the fridge–Well, it makes the best pan greaser you ever had! No more saran wrap or parchment paper, no more too much/not enough butter–just use your butter wrappers to grease that cake pan! So Easy!
Magic Cookie Bars
1/2 cup bitter melted
1 1/2 cup graham wafer crumbs
1 can condensed milk (like Eagle Brand or Rooster Brand)
1 cup chocolate chips
1 cup coconut
1 cup walnuts or pecans chopped
In a 9×13 pan combine butter and graham crumbs and press down firmly to make a crust. Pour condensed milk over base and spread evenly. Sprinkle chips, then nuts then coconut over the milk and press down lightly. Bake at 325 for 20-25 minutes. Cool completely before cutting into squares.
Yummy! See how long you can make this one last–I bet it won’t be till the end of the weekend 🙂