Does Food Trigger Your Memory?
I often wonder how much of what we eat, we do because it triggers some sensory memory.
I mean, when I eat mint chocolate chip ice cream it makes me think of being at the harbour with my Grandpa. When I eat French Onion Soup it makes me think fondly of special Friday Nights with my Mom, Dad and Sister. I not only eat those things because I enjoy the taste of them (…even the artificially coloured and flavoured ice cream…even I bend “the rules” sometimes!), but because they elicit warm fuzzies. They bring back memories, thoughts and heartfelt emotion.
Yep, I can say for sure that there are quite a few things that I cook and we eat because there is a memory attached. I do sure enjoy creating some new memories for my daughter and nieces and nephew too!
This week I made Black Currant Jam–it was my Grandma’s favourite…and I sure had a little moment when making it this week. Tasting it was like sitting in Grandma’s kitchen. Content. Happy. Loved.
8 cups washed and cleaned black currants
3/4 cup water
7 cups sugar
1 box pectin (bernardin or certo will do)
In a large, heavy bottom pot combine black currants and water. Bring to a boil over medium heat stirring and mashing occasionally for 15-20 minutes or until the skins are soft.
Add pectin, 1/2 tsp butter (to prevent foaming) and bring back to a rolling boil, add all the sugar at once. Bring back to a rolling boil, stirring constantly and boil hard for 1 minute.
Remove from heat and stir for 5 min. (this prevents floating fruit). Pour into prepared jars* and seal.
Should make about 7-8 half pint/250ml jars
*prepared jars: Wash and set open end up on a clean cookie sheet. Place in a 250 degree oven for at least 15 minutes while making jam. Place rings and sealer lids in a pot and just cover with water-bring to a simmer and keep hot until ready to jar your jam.
Yumm, reminds me of home in Liss, England when we had our own big garden and Mum made most of our preserves and pickled, salted and other things to preserve all our veggies! Nothing ever tasted so good.
I love that my food memories have triggered yours Aunt Pat! I wish I could have tried some of your Mum’s preserves and pickles! 🙂