What’s real:
- it was grown/is a plant (in the ground or hydroponically). Fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains.
- it comes directly from an animal source with minimal processing. Meat, dairy, eggs.
- you shop for it in the perimeter of the grocery store or at a farmer’s market
- it is close to it’s original source with minimal processing ie) flour, butter, cheese
- it is free from artificial colours, flavours, fillers and has no artificial preservatives
- it has an ingredient listing that you know (what it is) and where it is sourced from
- it is locally produced wherever possible
- it was made/baked/produced/cooked with love, attention and thoughtfulness
- What’s not:
- heavily processed and/or produced and tested in a lab
- contains many unrecognizable ingredients that you would never use in your own kitchen (likely artificial colours, flavours, fillers, stabilizers, emulsifiers and preservatives)
- items with tricky or deceptive labeling terms ie: sour cream “product” or fruit “drink”
- margarine, vegetable shortening, or “whipped toppings” (just use whipped cream for goodness sake!)
All that said…this Foodivore still believes:
“all things in moderation”,
guilty pleasures are occasionally to be enjoyed and savoured,
and there isn’t anything that can’t be cured with a great cake
(baked from scratch, with butter and love of course!)